June 27, 2009


I have been talking to people here in the US and I seem to be missing something. I realize that I am only one person but I have yet to encounter anyone who is being hurt by the economic recession. It seems as f the world keeps marching on. The malls are full of shoppers the stores have buyers and people keep oing to work. Reading the news from china I expected there to be a vast wasteland of zombie unemployed wandering the streets but that just isnt the case. Which I am glad to see. Though I must admit I wanted the zombie unemployed for pictures sake alas cant have everything.

Oh and wacko is dead. Why do we have 30 minute specials on him and that other lady but we dont even get two minutes a night for the troops and soldiers and regular people that contribute to making this country and world better? And why is he all of the sudden a saint, wasnt he in hiding because he was a pedophile weirdo that had serious issues? Watch the news about wacko and you would think the guy was father theresa.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, more than half of my friends have lost their jobs because of the economic crisis here, as well as one of my sisters and my brother. It's actually a bit scary; I've had two of those friends move back home as they couldn't get another job, and couldn't pay rent after they'd gone through their savings trying to find another job. The average time for my friends to get a job is about 4 - 6 months, some longer. Crazy times, my friend.
