April 11, 2009

32 million

There are 32 million more boys than girls here in china under the age of 20 according to the NY Times. That is a scary discrepancy. Now I know that it is the parents who are to blame and the one child policy doesnt help the matter but look at it in the longer term. What possible use could a nation have for 32 million expendable men? To put that in perspective the total populations of laos 6.7 million, bhutan less than 1 million, cambodia 14 million, mongolia 2.6 million, nepal 29 million. I know what I might use them for. But of course the kind and peaceful people here would never consider using force to impose their will on people who disagree. Ask anyone who disagrees. So that is what I woke up to this morning, thoughts like these are what make me worried about the future. Lets hope that the 32 million extras get some outlet for their lives that are productive and helpful to society. The fear I have is that the situation will remain closed and these pawns of chance will be the first wave to break across the borders and wipe the peace of the region out to sea. Hope I am wrong.



April 9, 2009

same same

I need to get some things for the summer as the warm weather has arrived here in beijing. Yet as I ponder where to go and get the things I need I have come to a realization. Namely all the goods here in china are pirate. there have been reports by the government that even in the name brand stores some of the goods are pirate. What to do? It isnt that I mind a pirate good it is that I want the quality of the real thing. I dont want a shirt that will be destroyed in a week or month. It is really frustrating for me. I dont trust the goods so I think that I will wait until I get back to the US in order to buy somethings. I know when I buy things in the US it will be made in china but there will be someone to check the quality before I buy it. That is something lacking here, any group that assures the people that they are getting exactly what they want. How I miss the small things in life.

April 7, 2009

hey hey

So I went for a nice little run just now. The weather is divine and the flowers are all about. The lilacs the cherry's the willows are that perfectly new green, I am really happy when it is like this. Then I got home from the 5 mile jaunt and ate a super juicy mango. I am not sure how many of you are privileged enough to be able to get mangoes right now but my god they are good. I was still sweating with the juice dribbling down my chin. Pure bliss. Now I have to finish a bit of lesson planning and the perhaps go out for a drink with friends. Life is kind, and fair I think. There was some potential bad news today the school is going to have a massive renovation over the summer which means next year I may have to work at another school I wont mind if it is less than 30 minutes by bike but if it is farther well I wont be too excited about that. Wait and see I guess. By and by there is an awesome bike trail that runs from davis square to lexington green called the minuteman trail. If you are in the boston area and have a bike it is certainly worth the time. If I remember correctly there is a bar about 1/2 way a nice place to pop in for a cold one. Enjoy the ride.

April 6, 2009

my 2 cents

We all pay the salary of the police right? We have all either said it or thought this of public servants. In this, I am not mistaken. Then why when the government wont do something we all agree is in no way harmful do we not tell them that? I was struck watching the press room at the white house. Dont take no comment anymore. We pay their salary. And I pay yours when I buy your paper. So get me some answers damn it. This goes for all of you.

April 5, 2009


Did I mention that I biked 24 miles yesterday? I went out to the fragrant mountain just outside the city, it was quite a ride and after arriving I rested for about 10 minutes and then biked back home. I showered and then went out for dinner and drinks. A most productive day. I even managed to get a bit of sun while riding on my bike. The city is interesting as the center is jammed with people but once I got outside of the 5th ring it really opened up, few cars, almost no tall buildings. Strange. I can remember being in boston and even after exiting the city there would be office parks where people worked but here it just doesnt seem to be the case. I am not sure what that says about land management and zoning but it was remarkable to see first hand the city just stop being the city. I do love to bike and as the weather gets warmer I encourage all of you to try to get out and about at least two times every month on a bike journey. I dont think you will regret it.