January 3, 2009


I have realized that there are many forms of waiting. Some of you out there will already know this but allow me to explain anyways. I am at this moment waiting for two very different things and my reaction to those waits is completely different. The first thing I am waiting for is the new job in beijing to process my residence certificate and work visa, once this is done I can go on vacation , leave the country and reenter without hindrance. This waiting is killing me. I abhor it, there is nothing I can do to speed the process up nor do I have any real idea what the true situation of the applications is. The school keeps telling me they are working on it and as soon as it is ready they will tell me. Now mind you if for some reason they do not get it do promptly I must leave China on Jan. 19 and do this whole process again. So that is waiting #1.
#2 I am waiting for some beef stew to finish cooking, and I am really hungry. Now the same thing can be said about the stew, namely "there is nothing I can do to speed the process up nor do I have any real idea what the true situation of the stew is." And "...are working on it and as soon as it is ready they will tell me." Yet this waiting I do not mind at all. What is the difference why does one bother me and the other doesnt? Perhaps I will tell you all sometime next week, I guess you will just have to wait and see.

January 2, 2009

on the fourth day....

I have come to realize that I will not be getting the use of a school furnished computer in the new job in beijing, thus i must buy a computer for myself. What a shitty process this has turned out to be. First I know so little about computers it is embarrassing, second I cant be bothered to learn, and third I dont really want to do the work required to get the best for my money. Then there is the problem with living in china. Now one would assume that living in the factory floor of the world that things would be cheap and plentiful, and to a certain extent that is true. I can buy knock off dolce and gabanna or fake ipods like no ones business. However getting anything of quality is a pain in the ass, and if I go to the authorized seller China charges a 20% duty on all electronics. Thats right 20% to import shit made here. So now I am trying to figure out a way to buy a computer online and have it sent without paying the extra duty. Technically had I bought a computer while in the US I could have carried it into China with no problems as it is for personal use. However I didnt and now I have to figure this out.

January 1, 2009

on the third day...

First and foremost I am not sure how god did it. I am only trying to keep up with the few things that have happened in my life and already I am tired and need a day off, and to think if I were god i would have to work for three more days before taking a break. Good thing I can stop whenever I want. So last night was the big end of 2008 (cue the noisemakers) and we went out to celebrate drank too much and nearly fell down, the key is nearly. One must know their limits. Got back to the house at 5:30 and climbed into bed, now most people would dread the morning but not me. I swear I am the Micheal Phelps of drinking I practically sprung out of bed at 9 feeling better than I have in weeks. Some people are good at sports some are good at playing music, me I was built for the overindulgence of spirits. Mama always said find something your good at and stick to it, wonder what she would say now.

December 31, 2008

on the second day

It is the end of the year and as good of a time as any to reflect upon the year that has just finished. While most would take the time to tell you what has happened of note to them or to expound on the things that shaped their year I am instead going to encourage you to reflect on the year that you have had and encourage you to think about why you didnt write or speak to me more often. Of course you could say it is because I never write back or I am never online to chat or any number of excuses but do you really want to start the new year making excuses about your failures? Isnt it better to accept the responsibiity of your actions and resolve to do better in the future? I am giving you this chance to start the new year off right, dont blow it, please. I may not be so magnanimous in the future. Anyway happy new year .

December 30, 2008

on the first day...

ok all this is a bit of an experiment and youll have to bear with me.

since i am shit at keeping up with the world through email i will try it a new way(new to me) and keep a blog of my ongoing life for all to read, see now it is your responsibility to look in on me and not mine to send something to you. its sort of like leaving the blinds open and and then expecting peeping toms, well, except most people dont like peeping toms, but then im not most people am I? I will try to dedicate as much as i can to this experiment and will eventually get some pictures up and short videos of china but as i am moving and taking six weeks of vacation the start will be slow but we shall see how this goes.