July 10, 2009


finally arrived to the outer banks to spend some time with the family. posts will be light for the next few days as every day will be more or less the same thing sleep wake beach drink run dinner talk tv sleep repeat. looking forward to the monotony of relaxation.

July 9, 2009


sitting in an airport waiting with a three hour layover for the next flight and i found a free internet hub so i decided to sit and write a bit. There is a really cool keyboard theat is perhaps the single most industrial thing that i have ever encountered. I kind of want one for the home. I am going to take a photo and perhaps get it posted later on today so you to can witness the brilliance of this thing. Not only does it look sleek but it has a good feel and is nice to type on.

July 7, 2009


trying today to save a few dollars for a friend. It really sucks how the phone/internet/tv companies in the US have you by the short and curlies. I cant cancel their service without paying a fee and I cant get he new deals offered for customers either. so basically once you sign up thats it no good will come of it, it is a crazy way to try to do business. Anyways I will try to figure out the ways to get out of the contracts and save as the land line is redundant and the cable tv is just silly.

July 6, 2009


Didnt see a single firework this year and quite frankly thats ok with me.
How did the explosions get to be associated with Independence? Wouldnt something else be more fitting. Anyways I am really looking forward to seeing my family and and getting to play on the beach and swim in the ocean. Time with people who are not your family is really hard there is so many things that are not reasonable from my standpoint yet as a guest I am unable to say anything about it. At any rate I will be content to sleep on the floor of a house that is filled with strangeness that I know. Really what I want most is to go back to beijing and sleep in my own house where I neednt deal with anyone. It is bliss to be on my own terms. soon.