April 23, 2011


I am making you responsible for the life of those three fish that are now down on the right side of this page. they need fed. just put your mouse over the pond and click and they get food. they will follow your cursor around waiting to be fed but please don't tease them. it is not nice. if they die it will be your fault, and I will be depressed.


two out of three of my challenges were completed last month. I failed at the push up challenge. it is much tougher to do them than I expected. my next month challenge will be to run for 100 miles in the next 30 days. I start tomorrow. I will go for a quick 6 miles to start and see how I feel the following day. probably I should look into a training program but those just end up taking the fun out of it. The one challenge I did not complete was the one where I had a training routine from another source. I will just go at this 100 miles by my own way. Other than that I have put in for my flight back to the US and I am counting the days until I get to stop working. If there was something here that I actually enjoyed I would consider returning, but every aspect of the life here is about half as fun as it could be. Ah well. just a few months more. then i can go back to enjoying life. I will keep the running log up to date. I am fairly sure I can do this.