April 4, 2009

questions all around

Last night I went to dinner with a coworker and we got to talking about politics and such and of course as he is european he began to trash the US. Now for those of you who are confused about me I am not a huge fan of everything that the US does. In fact I am openly critical of it pretty often, but we got talking and I was being the devils advocate, and when I asked simple questions like what system is better? He had no answers. Just wanted to talk smack and call it a day and when I wouldnt let him he had nothing. So I ask, what system is better? Is the US the best game going? I have to think about it for awhile but at first blush it certainly seems so. Sure we fuck up but we admit it and try to correct it. And we have programs in place to care for our elderly and others, I live in red china and there is no social safety net here, no free health care no free school nothing but a lack of responsiveness to the people. But I am not saying that should change if the chinese are happy good for them, but if you are gonna talk shit about a country you damn well better have some ideas as to what could be improved. Otherwise you are just tearing things down for the pleasure of destruction, and really who will that help?

April 3, 2009


I finally got to play a footie match today. And I Sucked. I guess that should come as no surprise when I havent played in like 7 months. But it was the fundamentals that killed me, I missed two traps completely. The ball just rolled on by. I was not amused. It was rally fun though. I wish I could play some everyday. Perhaps I will try to make it a habit of going out there at least two or three times evry week to play. I did score one goal on three attempts so the day wasnt a complete bust. Other than that I went to the market to buy some wine and food. More wine than food. The wine here in china is surprisingly palatable. At first when I arrived I bought the mid range stuff and found it was really sweet and almost like juice. But as I moved down the price range it got less and less sweet. I have found a decent cabernet that has good body for 22RMB per bottle. Thats about $3.50. Try to find one of those in ylur local grocer. Also the store I went to was clearing out all there indian mixes. The other week I had made a tikki masala from mix and it was really good. Now usually the mixes are like 18RMB each, but today sale price 5RMB. I bought one of everything. I have food and wine for a week, no work for 3 days and the nice weather has returned. Happy Happy Joy Joy.

April 2, 2009

ha ha ha

So be honest did I fool you with my post yesterday? And if I did why are you back to read this? I realize that if you believe that I am finished with my blog that you would not return however if you didnt believe me you would sooner or later check back in. It was a risk I took. Lets see what happened recently? I have been being good just working and getting ready for the summer. It looks like I will get a chance to go home to the United States for a short visit. I talked with my boss this week just to catch up and he mentioned that the school was going to have an expansion put in and that it may delay the start of the fall term. Usually we would begin in late august but this year we may not get to start until October. Which means I get to have a really long summer maybe. I will still have to be back to check in and all but I wont work. This week on monday is a holiday and so I need to find some adventure to keep me busy. I want it to be warm and sunny and then I can go somewhere. We shall see.

April 1, 2009

last post

Thanks for reading I am through with this experiment. It was fun and I enjoyed it while it lasted.

March 31, 2009

bite me

The other day, I am not sure which day I eating something and bit my lip on the front left bottom side. Now normally this wouldnt bother me but for some reason the exact spot I bit is in the way every time I eat something. If I try to eat a cracker I now bite my lip, salad, dressed in my own blood. It is getting really annoying. I can not stop it and I must eat. It doesnt affect my speaking or drinking just when I eat. But if I continue to bite my lip it will not get any better and thus I have caught myself in a bizarre mobius strip of pain and swelling. I may fast for a week just to give it some time to heal. I am also really tired these days, I am not sure why I feel a bit run down generally just tired. I am happy in the city and with my job it is just right now I am physically tired. Could I be already breaking down? I certainly hope not.

March 29, 2009


I would do anything for .... no not that meatloaf the tasty one. Thats what I had for dinner tonight. And it was awesome. I made it myself and it will surely be on the menu in the future. It is funny that when I smaller (I am not sure I was ever a child) I remember not liking meatloaf something about the word loaf doesnt sound appealing but I thought why not give it a go and damn it was tasty. Mashed potatoes and gravy with wilted spinach and sauteed asparagus. I am hungry again thinking about it. So now I have to do the dishes. Why is it always with every really good thing comes a bad thing? Why cant food do its own dishes? or better yet why cant I cook without making things dirty. I truly hate to do the dishes it is the bane of my existence I dont mind ironing or laundry or cooking or sweeping or mopping or any other housework but the dishes. I think it is because of the dish pan hands. Oh calgon take me away.