March 29, 2009


I would do anything for .... no not that meatloaf the tasty one. Thats what I had for dinner tonight. And it was awesome. I made it myself and it will surely be on the menu in the future. It is funny that when I smaller (I am not sure I was ever a child) I remember not liking meatloaf something about the word loaf doesnt sound appealing but I thought why not give it a go and damn it was tasty. Mashed potatoes and gravy with wilted spinach and sauteed asparagus. I am hungry again thinking about it. So now I have to do the dishes. Why is it always with every really good thing comes a bad thing? Why cant food do its own dishes? or better yet why cant I cook without making things dirty. I truly hate to do the dishes it is the bane of my existence I dont mind ironing or laundry or cooking or sweeping or mopping or any other housework but the dishes. I think it is because of the dish pan hands. Oh calgon take me away.

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