February 5, 2011

a new me

I am going to try to live a day as if i were an art exhibition. I was shown a random show name generator and decided to live out whatever the name of the show was. I will do this for a day or two and then go and get a new show name. The first exhibition

Parsing Relevance: Daring to Defy Progress

I can do that. If you want in on the action and I of course suggest that everyone should give it a try the website that generates the names is at
give it a try and see what the art exhibit of your life could be.

January 30, 2011

ok bitches

and here is why i think it is almost always a really bad idea when some nation whinges about getting their antiquities back. from now on i am coming down on the firm side of fuck them. it is always the case of those who have "lost" or had their antiquities "stolen" that they say, no we are stable and have a right to our stuff. Well when the shit hits the fan it isn't the museums at harvard or yale or the london museums that get destroyed. in fact it is exactly the places where those artifacts were sent that get stormed and destroyed. I am looking at egypt and to a lesser extent greece. I am not sure if any of the things that were looted vandalized and destroyed in these last few days of rioting were actually repatriated but if they were then egypt owes every last living soul a personal apology. I cant believe that any institution would willingly give anything of value to a nation that has such a tenuous hold on safety. When the germans started raining rockets into london, the government made sure to move the art housed in the museums into a safe place. The other argument that is used is of course that the artifacts were stolen during war or colonization or some other time that the "true" owners were unable to protect them. Well to that i say again fuck em. It is war. you don't get to the end and say, "that was fun now give me my stuff back." it's war. you lose that's it. ask the Polish their country disappeared. It's just ridiculous.

On an unrelated note i learned today that though westerners say son of a bitch (referring to a female dog) the Saudis will say the same thing but instead refer to the male dog. This society is so strange that even the insults suffer from gender apartheid. made me laugh.