May 8, 2009


Well I wish I could relate the whole story in precise detail but things are a bit fuzzy and some parts are missing all together. Here is what I do know. Last night at the beer garden, wait let me go back a bit, before heading out to the beer garden I decided to make use of a few mangoes that had gotten too ripe in my home, so I threw them in a blender with some ice and a bit of yogurt and a few shots of brandy. A few seconds later I had a delicious little starter cocktail. Then I saw the bottle of brandy sitting there and decided to do a shot or two, you know predrinking helps to keep a night on the cheap. So after that I hopped my trusty bike and off I went. I made it to the beer garden no problems. It is after all only 15 minutes away. Met a few friends there and had a whole bunch of beer. There is of course food served there as well but i didnt feel like eating so I just drank and drank. Then it was time to go home, now here is where it gets a bit fuzzy. I got my bike, got on rode around the first corner and there was a curb that leapt out of nowhere into my bike tire. I of course was pitched off my bike onto the sidewalk where I landed and scraped the shit out of my knee. I also seem to have bruised my elbow and side quite a bit. In all it wasnt so bad. That was the first minute or two of the bike journey home. I managed to ride more or less safely home and a a greatly diminished speed. I think I should get a helmet or at least try not to get so drunk and then ride. I probably will just buy the helmet geeky or not I dont want to smash my noodle on to the pavement.I did of course wake up this morning feeling great except for the knee elbow and side. Such is life.

May 7, 2009

why oh why

Why is it when I put on lotion( yes I found some) it seems to block my bodies ability to cool down. It makes me relay hot and I start to sweat and of course that totally defeats the point of showering and putting on lotion. Why is this so hard for me? Is it the lotion I bought or is it something to do with my body? I think I will do a science experiment with myself and find out the answer. I will of course be certain to share the results just as soon as they are published in a peer reviewed journal, after all I wouldnt want to have science being corrupted by ideology. Well now that I am clean and lotioned it is time for me to bike down to the local beer garden have a few and get a bite to eat, such is life.

May 6, 2009

school daze

I can hardly believe that in one month I will be finished working for the duration of the summer. I got some odd news yesterday, in that the other school I work part time for wants me to return to teach there again in the next semester. However their school will begin again in late august. Now while the pay in good there (I make 1/2 again my base salary for only one day per week) I dont know if that is enough incentive for me to return from vacation early. As I have said this school will not want me back until october, so to come back for a month or more just to work for a few hours per week seems a bit silly when I could be lounging on a beach in indonesia still. Hard choices. Not really. I just have to send the other school an email telling them that I appreciate the offer but cant drag my lazy ass off the beach to teach. If they6 could send the students to me I would have no problem working. Just want to lounge as much as I can.

May 4, 2009


I amin the mist of a three day stint as a puppy watcher. The dog is super cute and super annoying. It makes me happy I will never have children. I just cant do the constant attention and neediness. Drives me a bit nuts. Other than that the thing attracts all sorts of attention. All the neighbors want to pet it which turns out badly sometimes as it bites and doesnt know that half chewing off someones finger is bad form. But for me it is good fun to watch I warn the neighbors that "it will bite you so be careful" then I watch them stick their hand right next to the beasts face and then I get to hear all sorts of words that are not fit for children. So much fun it is hard not to laugh.

May 3, 2009


I am a huge fan of pizza. I like bad pizza, good pizza, ok pizza, cold pizza, white pizza, mexican pizza(even if I risk H1N1), pizza in the morning, deep dish pizza, thin crust pizza,I like it all. That said it is truly difficult to find really good pizza. I dont care if you live east coast, west coast, chicago, or new york. Really good pizza is just hard to find. Well last night I tried a restaurant here in beijing and they are supposed to have the best pizza in town. Well needless to say I wasnt expecting too much the best pizza in china is still chinese pizza right. Well imagine my surprise when the thing came out piping hot, melty cheese, fresh vegetables, oh god it was good. What else can I say except it was in no way a disappointment. I was happy to eat every bite. I will return and eat again. And the beer wasnt bad either.