May 6, 2009

school daze

I can hardly believe that in one month I will be finished working for the duration of the summer. I got some odd news yesterday, in that the other school I work part time for wants me to return to teach there again in the next semester. However their school will begin again in late august. Now while the pay in good there (I make 1/2 again my base salary for only one day per week) I dont know if that is enough incentive for me to return from vacation early. As I have said this school will not want me back until october, so to come back for a month or more just to work for a few hours per week seems a bit silly when I could be lounging on a beach in indonesia still. Hard choices. Not really. I just have to send the other school an email telling them that I appreciate the offer but cant drag my lazy ass off the beach to teach. If they6 could send the students to me I would have no problem working. Just want to lounge as much as I can.

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