May 8, 2009


Well I wish I could relate the whole story in precise detail but things are a bit fuzzy and some parts are missing all together. Here is what I do know. Last night at the beer garden, wait let me go back a bit, before heading out to the beer garden I decided to make use of a few mangoes that had gotten too ripe in my home, so I threw them in a blender with some ice and a bit of yogurt and a few shots of brandy. A few seconds later I had a delicious little starter cocktail. Then I saw the bottle of brandy sitting there and decided to do a shot or two, you know predrinking helps to keep a night on the cheap. So after that I hopped my trusty bike and off I went. I made it to the beer garden no problems. It is after all only 15 minutes away. Met a few friends there and had a whole bunch of beer. There is of course food served there as well but i didnt feel like eating so I just drank and drank. Then it was time to go home, now here is where it gets a bit fuzzy. I got my bike, got on rode around the first corner and there was a curb that leapt out of nowhere into my bike tire. I of course was pitched off my bike onto the sidewalk where I landed and scraped the shit out of my knee. I also seem to have bruised my elbow and side quite a bit. In all it wasnt so bad. That was the first minute or two of the bike journey home. I managed to ride more or less safely home and a a greatly diminished speed. I think I should get a helmet or at least try not to get so drunk and then ride. I probably will just buy the helmet geeky or not I dont want to smash my noodle on to the pavement.I did of course wake up this morning feeling great except for the knee elbow and side. Such is life.

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