May 21, 2011

that'll do pig that'll do

= 100. no training no schedules no help. just set a goal and do it. sure my knees are killing me, and sure both inner thighs bled at different points and sure I probably was dehydrated for a good portion of the last two weeks and sure there were lots of other things, but at the end of the day I can do anything. all i need is desire. As they say when life gives you lemons, pelt someone with those motherfuckers.

enjoy the rapture. Personally, I plan on being one of the chosen. I can't wait for all the holy rolling do gooders to be whisked away. then we can have a party.

May 20, 2011

and 5 more

makes it 94 miles. so I have a short 6 more and I finish. it was again a scorcher out this evening on my run. a balmy 97.

Something I noticed here in KSA, well specifically at the university I work at, one would imagine that in a nation that follows islam(no matter how many qualms I have with the interpretation) a fairly simple thing to do would be to make sure all the necessary accouterments were in place for the following of the religion. One aspect of Islam that is fairly simple is the washing before prayer. Now prayer goes 5 times a day every single day. thus thousands of people at the university must wash hands feet and head 5 times every day. Never mind the absolutely mind boggling amount of water this takes, the university during construction didnt bother to make a large hall where this could take place. So every muslim goes into the bathroom and washes. Fine except they put their feet into the sink. I know it aint the end of the world but c'mon really that is the best solution. There is a mosque in the school they builders knew that prayer would happen there are thousands of students they are all muslim. What in the name of their god were they thinking? It makes me want to scream, and hold it til I get home.

May 18, 2011


= 89. I am sure of it and my knees feel it. It is hot. There are actually no words to describe it. Luckily tonight there were no cat bombs. Of course it is purely due to the fact that I was on the lookout for them.

May 17, 2011


so my math is junk. I guess that's why I went with he history. Turns out I failed to count 5 miles in my total. I put em in the title (+5 +4) but then only counted the 4. thus my new total is 84.

Which means I have a scant 16 more miles to go.

Doesn't change the fact that the cats jump out to scare me.

and 5 more

= 79 which if the math has stayed the same as when i was a kid means i have 21 more miles.

today it is only 97 out right now and I just walked back into the house. Ah the desert.

Have i mentioned the exploding trash cans? They really make the run a good time. See there are these bright yellow trash cans that sit all over the side of the streets I run. They are roughly 55 gallon barrel sized. They are there for the residents to take their trash out and being KSA there is one about every 3 houses. It would be ok if tat were the end of the story, however it is not. See these trash cans have no lids, and KSA has few wild dogs, but they do have about a billion wild cats. Every few days when running I will run by one of these cans and out of the rubbish a cat will come flying. Seems I am just quiet enough on foot to not be noticed until I am literally on top of the trash can, thus I surprise the cat and the cat scares the hell out of me. Now it happens and then I am very wary of the next thousand trash cans I run by and sure enough no cats. Then as soon as I let my guard down and forget to be vigilant about the exploding cans out comes a cat like some demented jack-in-the-box, tear assing away dragging a plastic bag behind it. Ah the joys of running in a foreign land.

May 15, 2011

Another 5

= 74. 26 remain. just one marathon and i would be done with this. Unfortunately I can't run a marathon. Perhaps that will be next.

I also just noticed that I let a perfectly good chance for a crude joke slip by yesterday. How many times do I get to say 69 down,and not go on a bit of a side note. Ah well age is getting to me.

On an unrelated note I had a discussion today with my coworkers and seems I am the only on that would even consider living forever. It started as a hypothetical if you could be guaranteed never to die would you take it, as in never, as in after the humans end, and life ceases, and the sun burns out. I was the only one that saw the positives of it. Everyone got stuck at the next 50 years when their friends and family dies. If we are lucky we get to see that (versus dying first), so why not take the opportunity to go all the way and live it up.