May 15, 2011

Another 5

= 74. 26 remain. just one marathon and i would be done with this. Unfortunately I can't run a marathon. Perhaps that will be next.

I also just noticed that I let a perfectly good chance for a crude joke slip by yesterday. How many times do I get to say 69 down,and not go on a bit of a side note. Ah well age is getting to me.

On an unrelated note I had a discussion today with my coworkers and seems I am the only on that would even consider living forever. It started as a hypothetical if you could be guaranteed never to die would you take it, as in never, as in after the humans end, and life ceases, and the sun burns out. I was the only one that saw the positives of it. Everyone got stuck at the next 50 years when their friends and family dies. If we are lucky we get to see that (versus dying first), so why not take the opportunity to go all the way and live it up.