May 14, 2011

+ 4 (more)

= 69
which means i have a short 31 left then its over. and I have 9 days to run em. that works out to about 3.5 miles every day. or i could run a few 5 mile days and take a day off in the middle somewhere.
it cooled off for this section of the run it is just 99F out right now. good times

+ 5 +4

= 65
35 more. the 5 was from the day before yesterday. I run and ended up with a rash from my legs rubbing together. It now is a pain in the ass to run as every step is a battle. then the four is from this afternoon. It was 106 when i ran it. I am home now getting rehydrated and doing laundry i will go out and do another 4 before I turn in for the evening. Probably head out at 9 or so. The raw spot on my inner thigh hurt like the dickens while I ran today. but being this close to the end I know i can make it if I just power through and keep on.

May 12, 2011

+ 5

= 61

39 more. this is getting ridiculous. I feel like I am not making much progress.

I ran around a track for this 5 and for some reason, perhaps it was the fact that it was 104 F while i ran the inside of my upper thigh was rubbing while I ran. At 2 miles it felt raw, three it burned then it stopped for like half a mile, but the last mile and a half I was going to cry. When I got home to shower and looked there is a large spot where my flesh has been worn away. So running today and for the next few days will be an interesting new challenge. I cant take the time off to let it heal as I don't really have much time left to get through these last 40 miles. I can still make it but the pain is going to be an all new level of fun.

May 11, 2011

+ 5


44 more. good lord it is 99F outside right now and I just walked back inside. I haven't been this hot since my biking in Kansas and Missouri. At least on the bike there was a breeze created by the moving. Here in order to run fast enough to make a breeze I would have to sprint and that might just kill me. Hydrating will certainly take a new priority. looks like I will have to get over my aversion to H2O. Good fun still the run. The new music is going well. There are more interesting things happening in music than I thought I would find. Always pleasant to be surprised.

May 9, 2011

+ 5

= 51

49 more. today it is 97 out and 10 at night. this is getting difficult.

Slow plodding progress tonight. Just over halfway there and while I feel fine physically, the heat is making it less an less fun to run. I am soaked by the time I get about three minutes into my run. I have to wear a shirt even though I really want to run without one. The upside is I am on the downward side of the 100 I set out to do. I can make it but every day from now on will be a mental battle to force myself out into the oven like world.

Also it is mothers day and I would be remiss not to mention that mine is one of the best going.