October 27, 2011


so without trying too hard I have been really busy. like not enough time in the day sort of busy. I am also a huge procrastinator and am not so much into the whole need for things. So with all of these forces at work I have gotten little done with regards to the house i bought. it is fine. like livable and I have had people over, friends, family, coworkers , randoms, others but it is by no means finished. i can actually list every single item in my house. a friend was talking about how much shit she has and her need to get rid of some crap and i mentioned that i could name everything including the # of pairs of socks that I have. they thought i was joking. I went through each room and listed off the items and they still thought i was joking. who after all has a bedroom with a bed, small nightstand, sheet set, and one pillow? I do. no comforter, no dresser, no mirrors, nothing else. Well long story short this coworker ended up at my home a few weeks later to pick me up to go out to a party and asked to come inside. I was unsure why but ... she comes in and looks around and looks at me and just sort of goes blank. I asked what was the matter and she says,"you werent kidding." and i was not. other than that i have a new bank account. MF bank. seriously mother fucking bank. ok really Mechanics and Farmers bank but still MF bank. How is the world not MFbanking? 1/4 done with this school year. time flies. will try yo keep up the posts a bit more.