May 20, 2011

and 5 more

makes it 94 miles. so I have a short 6 more and I finish. it was again a scorcher out this evening on my run. a balmy 97.

Something I noticed here in KSA, well specifically at the university I work at, one would imagine that in a nation that follows islam(no matter how many qualms I have with the interpretation) a fairly simple thing to do would be to make sure all the necessary accouterments were in place for the following of the religion. One aspect of Islam that is fairly simple is the washing before prayer. Now prayer goes 5 times a day every single day. thus thousands of people at the university must wash hands feet and head 5 times every day. Never mind the absolutely mind boggling amount of water this takes, the university during construction didnt bother to make a large hall where this could take place. So every muslim goes into the bathroom and washes. Fine except they put their feet into the sink. I know it aint the end of the world but c'mon really that is the best solution. There is a mosque in the school they builders knew that prayer would happen there are thousands of students they are all muslim. What in the name of their god were they thinking? It makes me want to scream, and hold it til I get home.