April 2, 2009

ha ha ha

So be honest did I fool you with my post yesterday? And if I did why are you back to read this? I realize that if you believe that I am finished with my blog that you would not return however if you didnt believe me you would sooner or later check back in. It was a risk I took. Lets see what happened recently? I have been being good just working and getting ready for the summer. It looks like I will get a chance to go home to the United States for a short visit. I talked with my boss this week just to catch up and he mentioned that the school was going to have an expansion put in and that it may delay the start of the fall term. Usually we would begin in late august but this year we may not get to start until October. Which means I get to have a really long summer maybe. I will still have to be back to check in and all but I wont work. This week on monday is a holiday and so I need to find some adventure to keep me busy. I want it to be warm and sunny and then I can go somewhere. We shall see.

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