March 31, 2009

bite me

The other day, I am not sure which day I eating something and bit my lip on the front left bottom side. Now normally this wouldnt bother me but for some reason the exact spot I bit is in the way every time I eat something. If I try to eat a cracker I now bite my lip, salad, dressed in my own blood. It is getting really annoying. I can not stop it and I must eat. It doesnt affect my speaking or drinking just when I eat. But if I continue to bite my lip it will not get any better and thus I have caught myself in a bizarre mobius strip of pain and swelling. I may fast for a week just to give it some time to heal. I am also really tired these days, I am not sure why I feel a bit run down generally just tired. I am happy in the city and with my job it is just right now I am physically tired. Could I be already breaking down? I certainly hope not.

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