April 4, 2009

questions all around

Last night I went to dinner with a coworker and we got to talking about politics and such and of course as he is european he began to trash the US. Now for those of you who are confused about me I am not a huge fan of everything that the US does. In fact I am openly critical of it pretty often, but we got talking and I was being the devils advocate, and when I asked simple questions like what system is better? He had no answers. Just wanted to talk smack and call it a day and when I wouldnt let him he had nothing. So I ask, what system is better? Is the US the best game going? I have to think about it for awhile but at first blush it certainly seems so. Sure we fuck up but we admit it and try to correct it. And we have programs in place to care for our elderly and others, I live in red china and there is no social safety net here, no free health care no free school nothing but a lack of responsiveness to the people. But I am not saying that should change if the chinese are happy good for them, but if you are gonna talk shit about a country you damn well better have some ideas as to what could be improved. Otherwise you are just tearing things down for the pleasure of destruction, and really who will that help?

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