April 5, 2009


Did I mention that I biked 24 miles yesterday? I went out to the fragrant mountain just outside the city, it was quite a ride and after arriving I rested for about 10 minutes and then biked back home. I showered and then went out for dinner and drinks. A most productive day. I even managed to get a bit of sun while riding on my bike. The city is interesting as the center is jammed with people but once I got outside of the 5th ring it really opened up, few cars, almost no tall buildings. Strange. I can remember being in boston and even after exiting the city there would be office parks where people worked but here it just doesnt seem to be the case. I am not sure what that says about land management and zoning but it was remarkable to see first hand the city just stop being the city. I do love to bike and as the weather gets warmer I encourage all of you to try to get out and about at least two times every month on a bike journey. I dont think you will regret it.

1 comment:

  1. I went on my first bike ride this morning in 20 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My friend Katie came along, and it was sooo much fun (read: I was totally freaked out in the beginning). Next order of business, bike rack for the car so that I can ride out in nature. You know, mother's, not man's :)
