April 7, 2009

hey hey

So I went for a nice little run just now. The weather is divine and the flowers are all about. The lilacs the cherry's the willows are that perfectly new green, I am really happy when it is like this. Then I got home from the 5 mile jaunt and ate a super juicy mango. I am not sure how many of you are privileged enough to be able to get mangoes right now but my god they are good. I was still sweating with the juice dribbling down my chin. Pure bliss. Now I have to finish a bit of lesson planning and the perhaps go out for a drink with friends. Life is kind, and fair I think. There was some potential bad news today the school is going to have a massive renovation over the summer which means next year I may have to work at another school I wont mind if it is less than 30 minutes by bike but if it is farther well I wont be too excited about that. Wait and see I guess. By and by there is an awesome bike trail that runs from davis square to lexington green called the minuteman trail. If you are in the boston area and have a bike it is certainly worth the time. If I remember correctly there is a bar about 1/2 way a nice place to pop in for a cold one. Enjoy the ride.

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