February 16, 2009

im back.

Well you all thought that you could get rid of me that easy. Ha fat chance. I am safe and sound in beijing, after spending a few days settling in tomorrow i am off to explore the neighborhood. What I have learned about beijing so far is that there are a fuckload of people here and most of them love to shop. I made a huge mistake yesterday and went to the store to buy somethings that I need for work. Dont worry I am still trying to live with as few things as possible but a man needs an iron for his clothes right? Well the mistake wasnt going to the store but going on Sunday. Ugh. what a teaming mass of humans that was. Anyways I really like the new house, its comfortable, convenient and free. I know where to get most of the food I love already and am looking forward to sleeping in the rest of this week and starting back at school next week. I promise you I will have an interesting story for you tomorrow but right now I am exhausted I want to soak my feet, drink a few beers and sleep like it is no ones business.

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