April 16, 2009

things we do

Right now I am trying to find a way to bring up the fact that the excuse of "there are too many people" is just that, an excuse. I have tried to come up with so instances of where "too many" people can be turned into a reason of productive change and not into a hindrance for development. When I talk to the people here it is a common refrain. If you ask why there is no change in X it is because "too many people" the only things I and those I talked to about this have found to refute this idea is a more responsive government and volunteer service. If everyone agrees that the government should be more responsive to the will of the masses then why isnt it? If there are truly are "too many" how come they dont use that vast weight to better their condition? And If there are "too many" what do they do to better their neighbors condition? Other than that I cant really think of any ways to get around the argument. What else is there to say. If I ask about education of course I get a canned response of it is changing. And that in the future it will be better. I think I will bring this up in the next classes that I have in the teacher class I teach. I may ask as an opening question what do you do to benefit the society that you live in? And further what does the official policy say about it. I might get myself kicked out of the country but isnt questioning your leadership to ensure the best possible country that is possible a sign of patriotism? Is blind following a good thing? If it is then what country is the model? Who follows blindly? Who doesnt question? And what does that allow the establishment to get away with in the name of you?

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