March 26, 2009


I made it through another week at the old job. It seems that the days go by so fast now. It is already the 6th week of the semester and I only have 10 more weeks of work then I am done. I feel like some of the classes have been good and productive and the students have learned somethings from me but the class I teach about reading is really hard to judge if they are getting it. I know they are college students and they should be responsible for their own learning and it isnt the job of the teachers to care if they pass or not (my teachers never cared) but still it is nice to know that you are doing your job well. The house has come along nicely all unpacked and settled in. I was wanting to go back this weekend to my old town to see some friends and celebrate but with mid term exams and grading and planning it isnt going to happen which bums me out. Perhaps after the mid terms I can find a weekend to go visit. Other than that I am deciding if I want to go meet some friends out tonight for a drink and if I do where should we go?

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