January 6, 2009


No it isnt snowing here, I just wish it were. When I lived in Boston and Buffalo for all those year I was spoiled by the winters. I got used to it being cold and snowing. I used to think that I would never miss the snow and I would be happy to live in a climate where it didnt snow. Oh how wrong I was. Here in Henan, yes I am still in Henan, it is cold but with out any snow. It is sort of having all the bad and none of the good. I still need to wear a coat and my hands get cold and my nose runs from the temperature, but I dont get to sit and watch the flakes fall, or make snowballs and pelt other people, or shovel the walk. None of the things I loved about the snow, I never get to read about heart attacks from exertions and I never get to slip and bust my ass going down the stairs. The days are just short hard and cold. It is almost enough to make me dislike the winter. I hope beijing will be more what I like.

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