January 11, 2009

guess what i did

thats right people I bought my first laptop. and it is pretty good if i do say so myself. Though i must confess that i know nothing about computers as those of you who follow this blog religiously can attest to. But I did get an interesting perspective on china from my foray into the computer owning world. First I collected some friends one of which is chinese and could translate for me and one who knows a fair amount about computers, and we all headed down to the technology market. To say that there are alot of choices would be an understatement. After looking at hundreds of thousands of laptops I narrowed the choices down to three. I settled on one not for any particular reason but because they all seemed about the same and I am a terrible shopper, so into the store we all went to buy the laptop. Ok you would think if someone wants to spend nearly 1000 dollars the sales assistants would do whatever was needed to make the sale. However you clearly do not live in Henan. I asked if I could have Windows Vista in English installed. No because it doesnt exist. Ok how about Windows XP in English? Yes we have it but it will cost extra. Ok fine can I get the RAM upgraded to 2 GB (I have no idea what that means I was told it was better so I asked). And instead of telling me of course but there will be a fee the sales assistant told me that I dont need that. Now he has no idea what i use my computers for but he was sure it was unnecessary. So I said fine how much is the laptop. Mind you I had asked a few minutes earlier when scoping out all the choices and magically the price increased a few hundred RMB. So I said fuck it and left to the next store. Ok same questions Vista in English? Sorry no. XP in English? Yes but the pirate version only. Ok how about the RAM upgrade? Again you dont need it. If I told you my head almost exploded you probably wouldnt believe me. But it did I could actually feel it throbbing and nearing critical mass. Then i finally said I dont care if i need it or not I want it. OK. So now I am set to buy my laptop. The sales woman leaves and goes into the back. I wait. And wait. and wait. and 20 minutes later she comes back and asks would you like to buy the laptop. Hahahahahaha.....visions of knives and slashing and guts on the floor. People are real lucky. Yes I would like to buy it. That is why I am still sitting here. Ok wait one moment. 15 more minutes and I get up to ask where oh where has my laptop gone? where oh where can it be? Oh sorry it is coning from another store you will have to wait 15 more minutes. Ok I am gong to get some food. I shall return. I Return and there is my laptop but with a guy working to install the pirate XP. OK I will wait . An hour later he is finished. Except the wifi doesnt work. What the fuck? So now he tells me it is because the computer is Chinese and XP is in English. Did i mention vision of destruction on a large scale? An hour later he finally gets his boss, who opens some task manager clicks the enable button and presto change the wifi works. I pay and leave. China at its best.

1 comment:

  1. Yo Elijah -
    Corina related your computer plight to me because of my own previous life in Ganzhou, Jiangxi. I would like to say I came out of the experience with more tolerance and more patience. I may have, in fact. Certainly I came out with several table-imparted forehead bruises and a renewed respect for my own tolerance for pain.
