November 16, 2010

get a grip

Ok america you are really starting to piss me off. The FDA is currently tooling into the caffeinated alcohol drinks to see if they are safe. Really that is what the FDA worries about. Fuck no they arent safe, but neither is a bottle of Jim Beam or any alcohol. If they say that selling caffeinated alcohol is unsafe and prohibited or that it must come with a warning label then does my rum and coke at the bar get the same treatment, or my irish coffee? or kalua for that matter. Its alcohol it is not good for you. People dont drink to get healthy they drink to forget or celebrate or because they are addicted or for many other reasons but it makes me angry that the powers that be want to ban these drinks. So what some retard drank a few cans of this crap and shot himself and another popped a bunch of pills and died how many people everyday get behind the wheel after a few glasses of wine and slaughter others on the roads. How many people get filled with the liquid courage before taking the nestea plunge from the top of a building? Just tell me what the alcohol percent is and what the ingredients are and leave it at that. That's why I pay taxes so I can know what I am ingesting not to be told what I can or cannot ingest. Makes me crazy. I need a drink, make it a double. and a espresso on the side.