June 17, 2009

missed me

The time really travels fast. I had intended to send all my grades and stuff out in the days following my departure from china and be finished with the school for the summer but I just got around to doing it and it feels good to be done. Something that I have been keeping up with and wondering about, in china the government is trying to make all computers sold there come with a preinstalled software that spies on the computer user. Now this is completely above and beyond the acceptable level of government snooping, the software filters political content, records passwords and can take remote screenshots. I remember when the soviets tried to run a really repressive regime and US companies didnt help them they told them to take the product like we sell it or screw. Levi's didnt install tracking devices into their jeans to help the soviets so why is HP helping the chinese government? Shouldnt they tell china that if they want HP computers they take them as they come? and google to why help? It drives me insane to think that these companies will sell out american ideals for a few bucks. I say make the best products in the world and force the powers that rule china to come sniveling to the door of freedom asking if they can play with our ball.

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