April 27, 2009


Perhaps I have said this here before but today I had another stark reminder if exactly how different the education systems in the US and chins actually are. My story for the day is this, I had a student that I teach for oral english say that because the students choose to speak in chinese during the class that somehow the method of teaching isnt suitable for their learning style. I was and am confounded. Exactly how does one propose to learn to speak another language? Do these students think that I can just lecture and they will learn oral english? Do they want me to hold their hand and stand over them to make certain that they only speak in english? What about taking some responsibility for your own education? My teacher never made certain I was doing the assignments, I mean never more than graded assessments. If the students choose not to do the assignments given and practice discussing about the topics that are presented then I cant really help them. I can only help those who help themselves, without motivation and an internal desire to improve what am I to do?

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