April 28, 2009


I found the flash drive that I had lost a week ago. Isnt that the shit I found it after I bought a new one. I hate that but at least now I still can claim that I did in fact find it. The other thing that has been recurring recently is mosquitoes. Have I ever mentioned how much I loathe them? I was kept awake all night last night by the little bastards. Now I usually have a fairly good plan to deal with the mosquitoes when they attack in the night. I wake and let them feed. Then they leave me alone for the rest of the night as they are full of my rich and nutritious blood. This plan has only failed me when I got sick with the dengue fever in vietnam, but what the hell at least it wasnt malaria right. Anyway last night i tried my fool proof method, but there were like 10,000 of the little blood sucking things in my room. So i would get bitten wake up wait while it drank my blood and flew off then I would go back to sleep. Only to be awoken by another and another and another and ....I think I will change tactics this evening, I will try the old get so drunk that a train running over my head wouldnt wake me. Then even if they all return with their flying buddies for the buffet of blood they wont disturb my rest. As a bonus all the children they have will have fetal alcohol syndrome from the copious amount of alcohol in my blood tonight. well I should get started on retarding some future mosquitoes.

1 comment:

  1. What about a mosquito net over the bed? I used those in Mexico and they were a LIFESAVER!! My blood is like heroine for those fuckers.
