February 22, 2009

butterfly in the sky

So I begin the new term tomorrow and I must admit that I am a bit nervous. I always get nervous before the first day of school. I think that I am ready but you never know. Do I have enough material for the class? Is it going to be interesting? What level are the students? How interested will they be? Will I be able to find the classroom? Will I remember my pants? You know the regular anxieties that we all have on the first day of class. I remember the same feeling when I was a kid going to a new school for the first time, but I had no idea that the teachers felt the same way. If I had known that I would not have been so nervous myself. I guess that is a little of what being an adult is all about, not letting the world see the truth. I am sure it will be fine and I will tell you all about it after the fact. Can I just mention that I am really not looking forward to waking up early to go teach. I have been getting up whenever I please since the 26th of December.Now my work day will begin at 8 am. And I have to get up that early 3 times a week. Ok finishing touches on my powerpoint presentations.

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