March 16, 2011

new evidence

there seems to be a dearth of information about the possibility of the lizard that is currently pulverizing the coastal areas of japan. I feel like the focus on this has all been wrong. Everyone is worried about the reactors and the possibilities of a meltdown, and while I agree that it would be a terrible situation a far worse one is underway. After all I just read that suddenly many of the areas affected are low on food and water. Do you know what consumes copious amounts of water and food all at once? That's right godzilla does, and I think it is not hard to imagine that after tearing apart huge swaths of the island the beast has eaten. After all the destruction has slowed for the last day and thus we must consider that godzilla was busy doing something. Eating and growing stronger for his next bout of rampage. Probably. Be afraid be very afraid. If I remember my 1950 and 60s monster documentaries correctly there was always a lull in the action after the first sighting and bout of destruction. When the monster returned it tended to be much much worse.