January 7, 2011

believe it

I had an interesting discussion with some of the students in my class. They asked me out of nowhere before the class had started who caused sept 11. I asked what they meant and they said you know the buildings in NYC. I told them I was unsure and that the planes flying into those buildings along with the fire and heat caused them to fall. What a shitstorm that brought on. Each one of my students believes that Sept 11 was an inside job arranged by the jews to start wars in the middle east. The jews want iraq so that they can have a jewish state on either side of the heart of the middle east and thus can crush arabs between the two. The students had loads of "information" to back up their claim. Most of it produced by nut job conspiracy theorists in the US but hey just because it was meant as a indictment of the US military industrial complex doesnt mean it cant be applied to so other equally radical and hateful organizations. Other things I learned that day. Osama bin laden has been dead since the early 90s and this new one is purely made up so the west hates all arabs. There were no jews that died on Sept 11, thus proving their culpability. How this doesnt point a finger at the other countries without a dead citizen I was unclear. Like say denmark, or vanatu. I learned that the plane that everyone saw fly into the second building was empty and military. I learned that there were no bodies or parts of bodies recovered. I learned that the buildings were in fact blown up from inside like any other structure that was being collapsed. All in all a day which I learned more about the way this side of the world is encouraged to view the world than anything else. Remember these students I have are 18-19. Which means they were 8-9 when these events actually happened. nothing like getting them young.
The very next day of course a vulture was arrested in the north of Saudi Arabia because it was wearing a tag that said Tel Aviv University. It was arrested for spying. the tag had a GPS tracker. I had no cameras no mics nothing but a tracker. I asked how the Saudis knew it was a spy and the answer was that it had been trained to avoid danger and people. You know a bird that doesnt want to get caught. Spy. The mind hurts at how hard it must be to live in a world where faith rules.