January 20, 2011


I have finished about half the work which I need to do for this term. I have given midterm exams and graded them and all. Now it is just a matter of sitting around for a few weeks waiting for the students to return. The it will be a 6 week half term until midterms and of course after that it is only a few weeks until I finish. Time has certainly been on fast forward since arriving here. I actually had a really productive day, I left the school early and went to set up my bank account. Almost everyone that I have spoken to has had some issues setting these accounts up, from not being able to because of improper papers to getting told that the ATM card would be mailed and never receiving it.Needless to say I was prepared for the worst and allotted plenty of time for this adventure. I waltzed into the bank and took a number. I waited. and Waited. About an hour later my number was called and I went to the desk. I gave over all my paperwork from my employer and waited while the customer service rep filled out form after form. Eventually he got to the part about my cell number. Of which I have none. I told him that I didnt have a cell and he was taken back. Then he told me I must have one to open an account. I asked why? He explained that every time I try to do any online banking or any phone banking the system will need a code that will be sent to the registered phone number. Makes sense. So I asked where the closet place to get a SIM card was and it turned out to be about a block down the road. I had plenty of time and finished what I could with the teller and then walked down to get a SIM. That went off without a hitch and then I walked back to the bank. I took another number and waited. After the first customer got up I was called by name even though there were still about 12 people in front of me. I walked up and the same rep asked if I had a # I handed him the SIM card expecting it to be on the card, but of course it was not. So he was kind enough to put the Sim into his phone and call the teller next to him where the number came up. He entered it into the system and them told me that the ATM producing machine was broken. I figured that after the kindness and all it was ok there was no reason to play press my luck. I told him thanks and asked when I could return to pick it up. He asked if I was in a hurry. I told him not really, after all I had all afternoon to get this done. He then called the womens bank(separate facilities here) and told them my account details, they printed my card, he sent the security guard around the bank to the womens section to get my new card handed it to me and told me to have a nice day. It was in short amazing. So now I have everything I need to get paid. All in one short afternoon. also yesterday there were torrential rains, and there was a hailstorm that passed on the way to work. Fun stuff. The rains were bad enough that the King canceled classes for students today in Riyadh. Teachers still had to go but no students.