January 1, 2011

it was a year

As year10 draws to a close I wanted to take a minute to reflect on the mundane. I personally took as many naps as my schedule would allow. I procrastinated when I could, I kept up appearances and I generally stayed out of trouble. That said I also wanted to leave year10 with a few thoughts and a few things that the year has taught me. first I learned that there is nothing I can not do for one more minute. Nothing is so bad that it is unendurable. I learned that people have an amazing capacity to surprise me almost always in a good way. I learned that what i need and what i want are far apart. My needs are met and exceeded daily whereas my wants I am trying to work on. I also learned that putting things away right away makes my life better. And I learned that few things beat ironing with music up really loud. As for whats ahead I am reminded of a Tom Petty song,"It's time to move on, time to get goin', what lies ahead we have no way of knowin'. It's time to move on." Its funny to me that so many people try to make resolutions for the new year. I cant think of anything that I want to resolve to do. Alas, as the clock ticks ever closer to the moment when the year ends, not a soul is near for me to mark the moment with. I guess a book and a cup of tea will do for this year. after all it is only one minute and I know I can do absolutely anything for for one minute.