June 5, 2009

june 4th

Yesterday was the fiurth of june here in china. Now while that may seem like nothing of consequence it is in fact the date of the "incident at tiananmen" 20 years have passed since then. Testerday I decided to go down to the square and look around for myself. Usually it is a public space with lots of people chinese and others walking about. Yesterday it was security checkpoints, police looking at passports, and then the square itself was loaded will regular police, plainclothes police, army, and "helpers". Now here is my question, why if the government here feels that the students were "counterrevolutionaries" and the protesters were "trying to harm the stability of china" why doesnt the central government celebrate the day? Why hide as a secret the fact that the government killed rebellious citizens. If there was an insurrection against the US government and the police/military stopped it I think that the government would be proud of that fact. So what exactly is the problem china? Were the citizens gathered 20 years ago really trying to destabilize china, or was the response from the government a heavy handed reminder of power and an attempt to consolidate and keep that power. Dont answer I think I already know the answer, after all a thousand police in tiananmen sends almost the same message as a tank rolling over students that wanted to change the system. Nothing to see here move along, buy your goods and be happy.

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