May 26, 2009


As I biked home from my other job today I had to stop at a red light. No big deal right. Well leave it to me to find something in a red light. I was waiting , minding my own business when a cab starts blasting his horn right next to me. Now I was in no way blocking the street or out of my bike lane, I was just waiting for the light to change, but this guy had to cut the corner and thus I was there. Of course it was my fault for being there and thus my job to move. I refused to move and motioned for him to go around like all the other cars that were turning. He got irate and inched closer to my bike at which point I used some of the chinese that I know, nothing polite, and not anything fit for children, that didnt really help my cause but got the other bikers to laugh at him and smile at me and bought me enough time for the light to change and away I went. The joy of life. To know just enough of a language to narrowly avoid getting run down by a pissed off cabby.

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