March 4, 2009

so tell us ...

What do you think about China? This was the lead in question from the group of adults that I am teaching here at the school I work for. Humm ever seen a bear trap? Or anything that is meant to catch and maim you? Well it didnt take a genius to figure out that there was not a real good and honest answer to that one. So I went with "I think a lot about china, some of the things I think are good, some of them you probably dont want to hear and some of them I am not allowed to talk about." Polite smiles and knowing nods of the heads from many in the room, though the one who asked seemed unsatisfied at my vague answer and looked as if she would press the issue but fortunately I was asked another question by another of the students. I think if she had really asked I would have told her about all the issues I have living here. That the people are generally apathetic to the work that is required of them to improve their society. If you ask the average chinese if there is corruption in china they will freely tell you yes it exists at every level, if you ask them why it isnt eradicated by the state they will hem and haw and finally get down to its too hard to stop. Shit like that drives me nuts, the government here can censor movies and news and websites but ask it to do something useful, and it is suddenly too hard. I have asked why the people who have to bribe their way to get permits for building and health licence dont turn in the corrupt official and I am always told that it would do no good. The person who reported it would be bankrupted, the official would be transferred but not jailed, and the person that replaces him would be just as corrupt if not worse. So why bother? And I just think to myself, thank god some people have done things even though they are difficult, or at least tried. Improvements are not given to us, they are earned through sacrifice and determination. Instead I got to talk about "Do you like chinese food?" Lucky me the food doesnt piss me off as much.

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