March 21, 2009


I came to china with out a real agenda. My aim was to get to know what it is like and experience living in this country first hand. However some of my friends came here with a very specific and long term goal for themselves. I have been thinking about this recently and I am a bit puzzled, are there two kinds of people in the world? Are there more? I am happy without thinking too much about the future and what I "need" to be doing right now to make the future me happy. Yet my friends who have the long term goals are doing things now that make them unhappy in order to achieve what they believe will be rewarding in the future. This is of course not taking into consideration those people that I meet that have long term goals and yet do nothing to achieve that goal. I spoke with two guys last night and they had finished their MBA and were in china to learn chinese, yet they hung out at western bars talked to westerners and did little to nothing to make their goals achievable. It struck me as very odd. Why have stated ambitions if you are not willing to do the work? Is it better to say that you are here for fun and leave it at that? Or is that just an easy way to avoid the truth which for me is that I have no idea what the future holds and therefore I refuse to plan for it? Just something I have been thinking about recently.

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