March 17, 2009

spring is in the air

Ah spring so lovely, so refreshing such a grand time of the year. The birds sing more, the forsythia has exploded like a bush full of yellow popped corn, and the willows have a sheen of green upon their boughs. I do so love the spring. It makes me want to go outside and lay in the grass and soak it all in.Alas Today is one of my longest days with 5 total hours of work I missed a good portion of the day, however I did stare longingly out of the windows of the classes that I was teaching. I thought about taking one of the classes outside for lessons but the few times I have tried that it never works for me. Perhaps next week I will give it a shot. Ah one thing that I dislike about the spring, mosquitoes. I have had a mosquito in my bedroom for the last three days, I am not sure if it is the same one or if there is a sign on my door that says "all you can drink blood buffet" because I lay awake for the better part of the night waiting for that bastard to land on me and bite and just as I nod off it lands, I jump awake smack myself super hard miss the thing get angry and turn on the lights and look around for it. I never have any luck finding it eventually I go back to bed, lay awake waiting for it to land nod off....repeat ad infinitum. All in all though my legs are happy to be out of pants, my arms happy to be in short sleeve shirt and I am happy to be alive in the springtime.

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