March 13, 2009

frat boys

So yesterday I went to a bar to play some beirut (google it if you are unfamiliar) and there were a lot of people playing and having a good time. Which is very cool, I do love a crowded bar and people about. However there was one group of people there that really pissed me off. These jackasses acted like they owned the bar, sitting on the backrest of the seats even though there were people in the next booth. So the people in the booth had frat boy ass right next to their head. Just an amazing amount of selfishness and lack of class and respect. Then one of the frasshole stepped over the back of the booth into the other peoples booth in order to go out, instead of asking his friends to move so he could get out. Now as if that werent enough he also stepped on the jackets as he climbed over the backrest. What a good forsaken idiot. Who raises these people? Why are they allowed to remain alive and using resources? Cant we have a moratorium on stupid? Please. At any rate I didnt arrive in time to actually play any beirut and so I just had some pizza and a few beers then went back home to sleep. Not the most exciting day or night but still fun being able to go to a bar at the drop of a hat. It is nice to live in a city again.

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