April 2, 2011


I have been thinking lately about what it is that makes us different from animals. I know that in a technical sense we are animals but somehow we are different. I have been trying to place it but it seems that everything we can do other species have also mastered. Tools? Lots of animals use them. Caring for the sick or injured? Again it is done in the wilds. Communication? I have read reports that it is done by a multitude of animals. So what is it that makes me, me? Is it my ability to just ask that question? That seems like a funny trick. If you are able to ponder your nature and place in the scheme of it all than you may not have a place. Whereas if you never question your nature then you are assured to spend your life in harmony and concert with nature. Being able to contemplate this idea moves one further from being part of it. I am not sure what else there is that makes us human, maybe the ability to remember and hate. I know other animals love or at least mate for life and seem dedicated to their companions but I dont know any animal species that hate for beliefs. Cats and dogs may not get along but it isnt because dogs have their own dogma that rubs cats the wrong way. Humans can hate based on beliefs. Sad when I think about it. We are outside the order and are able to hate. Kind of makes you proud to be human.