April 1, 2011

fool me once

Another week has passed without any major incident here in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I had the opportunity to go to a US Embassy party last night and I actually had a reasonable amount of fun. The party had a theme that was something along the lines of Hollywood. So many people can dressed in costume. There were Audrey Hepburn and Pee-Wee costumes that were really good and I could appreciate the effort that went into them. Then there were others that were shall we say less than stellar. I took it upon myself to guess wrong what every person was wearing if they had a costume on. The Avatar girls I guessed were John Goodman from Monsters Inc. The Guy from True Grit became Brokeback Mountain. The guy in what appeared to be his after gym outfit was Christian Bale from the Fighter. I personally found these hysterical. These people would actually take the time to explain that they were not who I believed. I would agree and then talk about how i really like the part in the movie where the character I had assigned them did something. When they would point out yet again that they were not dressed as that character I would tell them they certainly were. Why else would we be discussing the movie. It was circular and great. I dont know if they ever caught on that I was just kidding or not. I myself went in no costume at all. Just a button down shirt, tie and pants. When the topic inevitably came round to,"and what are you supposed to be?" I would chuckle, smile and say that is a really funny question. It was good to have drinks, conversations, and music. The best part of the evening had to be when I finally got home, putting my head on my pillow and feeling the world spin. I miss that. It is like I am the center of the universe and everything is in orbit around my perception.