December 3, 2010


I have realized that no matter where I work there will always be room for improvement. In this case I am speaking of the midterm exams for the school that I work at. The system is such here that after the midterms the students will go on to the next level of book and study, thus if they were a level one they move to level two and so on. Now the school has provided the teachers with a crazy amount of information with regards to to how to administer the exam and what is considered passing and how to assess the written portion of the exam and so on. My hesitancy about all of this is that though the school also employs 3 assessment supervisors whose job it is to assure that assessment is uniform and happens in a timely manner and to look at the results and to give recommendations about improving teaching, they are not doing anything with the actual results. I know for a fact that there is a wide discrepancy of levels in my classroom, I am talking about students that could right now pass a level 5 exam and some that would struggle on a level 2. Will the classes be rearranged to group these students so that the higher level are grouped and the lower levels take class together? of Course not. Would it have immediate and long term benefits for the students, of course it would, would I as a teacher be better able to ensure proficiency in all aspects of English if I knew that my class as a whole struggled in writing but their listening and grammar was up to snuff, I most certainly would, will any of this take place, no. Why test the students if there will be no benefits, they pass and move on, there is no focused attention to the data provided from the assessments. What do these supervisors do with the info? Why cant the students be grouped to facilitate learning? The higher level students in my class will get bored as I must teach slower to the middle level and the bottom are being left behind and I cant go slow enough to get them up to speed without sacrificing the entire lesson or class. Seems like even though I try to adjust the lesson to take into account the disparity of learners it isnt as effective as just grouping them in the first place. Some students are just more determined/interested in the language and they are being punished by being help up in their studies. I wish that something more than just a day of testing came from this. Alas in a perfect world it would but to paraphrase a war criminal, You go with what you have not what you want. Ill make the best of it and try to remember that there is no perfect system and I will just be glad for the support and materials that the school does provide.