November 29, 2010


I wonder how the whole wiki thing is going to play out. I am in the middle about the whole business I see the reason for leaks and I also see the need for secrets, however I also see that if your not comfortable doing something with other countries then perhaps it shouldnt be done. I am referring to the whole bribes and such wrt gitmo. Also it isnt as if the world thinks that the US is in foreign affairs for the betterment of the world. Every country knows that each country is primarily concerned with the benefits to itself, so these leaks are not that big of a surprise. What caught my eye so far was that the US knew China order the google hack and never bothered to mention it. Whos side is the US on? I wonder what long term cost benefit analysis that discussion took. I guess the leaks will be big news for a few days then another shiny toy will catch the eye of the media and we will stare at that until another shinier toy ....