November 22, 2010

king and queens

This could be interesting. The House of Saud is in trouble. The current king in KSA is now 86 years old. He holds a slew of titles including the newest on keeper of the two holy mosques. He can not be called a caliph for various reasons but the new title is as close as it gets, really. Another of the kings positions is to be head of the alternative armed forces. He just gave that position up to one of his many sons. This son is now in a unique position. You see the other brothers of the current king are in line to rule, they are all in their 70s but without the leadership of the military the crown could pass them over and go to the son of the current king. This is the stiff civil wars are made from. I know if I were one of the brothers of the current king I would want my shot at being king, in fact I would eliminate all rivals (including brothers and sons of my brothers) thus making my bloodline rulers forever. This current king is trying to sidestep the blood letting and make his line rulers for the foreseeable future. I wonder how it will all play out. To make matters more interesting the King is ill and just left KSA to go to USA for treatment the day he left the newspapers reported that his son had landed in the Kingdom and would be assuming responsibilities. After he passes away it could get even more interesting. In case you ever wonder why I live abroad it is just for these reasons, the intrigue of national interests fascinate me. I hope it goes smoothly but really when does that ever happen.