July 30, 2009

trying something

this is to try to put some small video into my post. this one is of me at the beach in N.C. body surfing on a wave. It is from my perspective and is in real time i will slow it down and add effects later just wanted to try to get it up and see if it works. oh thats my little brother in the beginning catching the first wave. some other random thoughts about the travel to china this time. first taking muscle relaxers and alcohol does in fact produce drowsiness which is good on a 13 hour flight. Next what is the point of the quarantine in china? I arrived on a 777 with 500 people from the US to korea all of them got off and now I will be in a smaller plane from korea to china. If there is a sick person from L.A. to korea then I am sick. If the plane from korea to china is cleared then I still am sick just not showing symptoms as I caught the flu on my way from the US. It seems really silly to me to even try to stop this wouldnt it be better to wash hands and encourage basic hygiene?

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