August 5, 2011

since i rocked and rolled

its been a long time...
lots has happened. I made it back to the US. I saw almost all of my family. I caught a bunch of fish. i ate way too much good food. and i moved. so now i am in my new house in durham. it isnt actually new just new to me. its a good place with friendly neighbors, close to the things i need and seems like it will be ok to be here for a little while. Things were looking real rosy when I was offered a job as a teacher however that went south with some administrative crap. Long story short i am still unemployed. also it is sweltering here in durham. like 100 daily and humid. this wouldnt be so bad but i have no ac right now as the house is old and the ac needs to be replaced. it is an investment so for now a box fan and sweat are all i got. also the back deck had no railing and the home insurance told me i had to get one if i wanted to keep insured so i spent some time building that. there are lots of things to do before i am ready to say i have settles in comfortably. I have no bed, i sleep on the floor. I have mo furniture so i cant sit except on the floor. I do though have an amazing case of poison ivy. it is horrifying. weeping blister on my legs, arms, torso, hands..truly uncomfortable. i took some medicine that should have helped but i just keep getting new spots of fresh ivy every day. the old spots dont heal they just turn bright red and swollen and then new blisters appear. on a plus side i learned how to install floors, bathroom vanity, toilets, and a few other things. I have another doctors appointment on tuesday to see what else can be done. probably nothing. but i will hope for the best. the itching is insane. it is like each separate area is connected to every other area. if i bump one against a door or brush against a wall all of the areas cry out to be scratched. its like they are alive and addicted to it so my whole body is constantly screaming to be itched and it never gets better. Needless to say sleeping is tough, hot, itchy, on the floor. Welcome to my new life. I will try to get pictures up soon. No promises.