May 2, 2011

+ 8

= 30

70 more and 21 days to go.

I would have run yesterday ,but a sandstorm blew in just as I got home. Not one of those little ones either. This thing blotted out the world. I darkened the earth. I could not see the street lights across the street. It was impressive. Needless to say I could not go and run through it. Thus I fell a day behind on my schedule and I have to make up distance if I am going to finish this challenge. So today was 8 miles.

On an unrelated note I found out that the college I work at, which is supposed to be a good school in the middle east, found out that the mid-term exam was leaked for one of the lower English levels. It was actually posted on the student side of the school website. It was for sale in the copy center. It is in my opinion inexcusable. However I am not the administration. They decided that there would be no retake, nor would there be any recourse taken against those that posted/stole/distributed the exam. I can understand why, the kid who first got hold of the exam is apparently a prince. As in actually in line for the throne. As in of the house of Saud. So you know the whole equality and harsh retribution for theft/lawlessness seems not to apply for those that rule. Fair is fair after all and in front of allah we all stand equal. or so i am told.