January 24, 2012

we're halfway there

Officially halfway through the first teaching year in the USA. It feels like time is progressing fairly quickly. I have yet to cover India or China or really anything east of Iran but that changes this week. I had a teacher in service day where I went to training to learn how to god I have no idea what we were supposed to learn though I do know we were slated for four hours of training and got through it in oh let's say 45 minutes. Basically it was, " We have only three more hours training at this than you so don't expect much." That was how the training opened and from there it was pretty much here is a slide no need for us to read it to you. Next slide we don't need to read to you. Etc. The good news is I was happily home again by 10:30. So after some lesson planning and reading i find myself both caught up with work and relaxed. A nice feeling to have midway through the year. On a side note happy new year (china) and go pats.